Groups, visibility and sub-admin

Author Roland David

Last updated: October 31st, 2022 by Roland David

Groups are used to easily group colleagues and administer which users they should be able to see and not, as well as which people an administrator should be able to make changes to. To be able to administer groups, you need to be an administrator so that you can log in to the Telavox Admin portal.

To access the group settings, click on Users (1)Groups (2)

To choose which groups a specific user should be able to see in the admin portal, mobile app, softphone or Landline phone (BLF) (more info about BLF below) then you select one or more users in the list and then choose which groups the selected users should be able to see via the right-hand menu that appears (3) .

To create or delete a group, or edit which users and PBX services are part of a group, click on Manage Groups (4) where you will see a complete list of your groups.

If you create or select an existing group from the list, you get the following view:

The services on the left hand are the users and PBX services that are currently in the group and the right hand services are those outside the group. To move users between the two sides, use the X and buttons that are visible to the right of the services or you can drag the users from one side to the other. It is also possible to search by name and number via the 'Filter...' fields at the top and via the drop-down menu you can change the category of services if you wish to only see colleagues, PBX services or BLF (contacts/profiles).


BLF stands for Busy Lamp Field and in short this is used to display selected colleagues, external contacts and profiles at the hotkeys on a desk phone.

We have three types of BLF:

  1. BLF (speed dial to your colleague via Telavox and the possibility to see if they are available, indicated by the following light: green, red or flashing red).
  2. Contacts (quick dial to an external contact).
  3. Profile (changes your profile in Telavox).

To choose which group a user should be able to see at the hotkeys on their terminal, simply set this in the group visibility menu (3) under the Landline phone (BLF) setting.

When you create a group that you wish to use as a BLF, you do this as usual via Manage Groups (4) where you can add any colleagues and exchange services to the group, but also external contacts ("BLF - Contacts") and profiles ( "BLF - Profiler") which can be filtered via the drop-down menu. The BLF categories (contacts & profiles) only work in connection with BLF on a desk phone and do not affect the visibility in the Telavox interface.

Permissions and groups

Groups can also be used in connection with permissions and thus not just for visibility options. Under Users > Permissions, you can administer which permissions different users have. If you have previously created any groups, you can choose that a user should, for example, only have access to Administration, Recorded calls, Co-listening and Statistics for a specific group and not " All " which is the usual option where the user gets the right over all users in the company.

If a user has the Administrator permissions over a specific group and not "Everyone", then we call this a Sub-admin. If a sub-admin logs in to the Admin portal, this user will be missing certain tabs in the Adminportal because a sub-admin will not be able to administer for example: Groups, Permissions, Phone numbers, Licenses.