Send SMS via the Desktop app
Via the desktop app, you can send SMS if you have a Fixed or Mobile license. Fixed and Mobile licenses have 3,000 external call minutes to use and each SMS is the same as one call minute.
To send an SMS via the app, navigate to Messages > Enter the number in the search field (without any spaces or hyphens) and then select SMS further down under Start a new chat. See below video which shows how to do this!
The actual message to be sent is entered as a regular chat message in the app. There is no option to send MMS or receive SMS/MMS.
Good to know - if your contact on the receiving end in your desktop app has a mobile number, you will find a Send SMS button behind a little arrow icon that looks like this:
By clicking it you can send an SMS to the contact. Please note that you cannot send SMS from the mobile app.
SMS number display
To adjust what text / numbers are to be displayed for these outgoing SMS, this is adjusted in the desktop app under Settings (gear) > Caller ID > SMS.
The default setting is NoReply. If you want to get any specific text there, for example your company name, this can be solved by contacting us. Keep in mind that the text must be under 11 characters and that the allowed characters are only az, AZ and 0-9.
Email to SMS
Users who can send SMS via the desktop app can also use email to SMS. For this to work, the email must be sent from the email address that is linked to the user. SMS sent will then be from that user. These SMS thus follow the same setting for number display and debiting as SMS via the desktop app.
To send an SMS via e-mail, the e-mail must be sent to [NUMBER]
For example:
You then write the message itself in the subject line of the email.