Order new numbers

Author Jarne De Koster

Last updated: July 27th, 2024 by Oscar Hjelmstedt

As an administrator, you can order and purchase new numbers. This can be done through the admin portal in the section Phone Numbers. If your company is international, select the correct country in the top left corner so you can purchase numbers for the correct country. After that, click the plus sign in the lower right corner. Then, click the shopping cart next to Acquire new numbers. 

Fill in the pop-up with the correct company information. Make sure that all fields are filled in correctly. You will have the choice to buy a number based on your company information.

Please check below for country-specific information regarding the company information you need to enter.

French numbers

Street Number: This should only be a number not followed by a letter (e.g. 36, not 36A).


Dutch numbers

Street Number: This should only be a number not followed by a letter (e.g. 36, not 36A).
ZIP code: Should be in the format XXXX YY (where X is a number and Y is a letter).


Belgian numbers

VAT Number: Should be in the format BExxxxxxxxxx (Where x can only be a number).
Street Number: This should only be a number not followed by a letter (e.g. 36, not 36A).
