Number reporting

Author Linda Heiskanen

Last updated: July 27th, 2024 by Linda Heiskanen

You can report your numbers yourself to number reporting services through the Admin portal.

This is done in Phone numbers > Current numbers > select one or more numbers > Configure number reporting.

In Configure number reporting, you get the following alternatives:

Hide name
The hidden name is the one associated with the number. Your company's name will be registered regardless of whether you select to hide your name.

Hide address
If you are reporting a number for a user, the system will prioritise the address which is added to the user's own contact details.

If there is no address in the contact details, the company's address will be registered instead.

If you select hide address, there will be no address to report.


When your numbers are reported, it can take some time for the services to add your information to their websites. If the information there is faulty, you should contact the respective site directly.

Most number reporting services have a few different ways or forms to contact them to change your information. 

Number reporting with Telavox application are gathered from Eniro (Sweden).