Hardware support responsibilities

Author Linda Heiskanen

Last updated: January 8th, 2025 by Linda Heiskanen

Regarding troubleshooting and support, below we have gathered support responsibilities for…
1.Hardware purchased from Telavox
2. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
3. and hardware you have added by yourself which is outside the hardware models Telavox supports (outside BYOD).

Hardware purchased from Telavox

If you have purchased a piece of hardware from Telavox, our support is here to help you out until the issue with the hardware is solved.

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

If you use a piece of hardware through BYOD, you can auto-provision it through Telavox. In this case, our support is also here to help you out in all of the cases apart from if the hardware itself has a problem - then you need to talk to the party you bought the hardware from.

Your own hardware outside the hardware models Telavox supports

If you use your SIP information and add a piece of hardware outside our BYOD list, Telavox unfortunately is not able to provide support for that.