Get started with iPhone after SIM card change


Author Ellinor Niklasson

Last updated: March 4th, 2025 by Ellinor Niklasson

To get started with your new SIM card in an iPhone, you first need to replace your physical SIM card, deactivate and activate your new eSIM in your phone. To get full functionality, you also need to enable 5G, VoLTE and Wi-Fi calling under settings.

Click on the tabs below for instructions on how to change your SIM card/eSIM and how to activate 5G, VoLTE and Wi-Fi calling on your phone:

Step 1 - How to change your SIM card

Switching from physical SIM card to eSIM

To activate your new eSIM, you first need to open the SMS you received from Telavox the day before you were transferred. In the SMS, click on the link to activate your new eSIM.

Take out your physical plastic SIM card , click on the link you received in your SMS from us, follow the instructions to activate your new eSIM, and then follow the steps below:

  1. Take out your physical plastic SIM card.
  2. Click on the link you received in your SMS
  3. Then follow the instructions to activate your new eSIM


Switching from eSIM to eSIM

If you already have an eSIM activated, you need to deactivate your current eSIM in your phone:

Follow the steps below to deactivate your current eSIM on your phone:

  1. Go to Settings on your phone.
  2. Click on Mobile networks
  3. Under Mobile Networks, click on your current Telavox eSIM, usually called Primary
  4. Deactivate your eSIM by unchecking "Activate this line”. 
  5. When your eSIM is inactive, it looks like this: 
  6. Then activate your new eSIM by clicking on the link you received in your SMS from Telavox.


Dual eSIM

To get your new eSIM up and running and replace your current Telavox eSIM, you first need to deactivate your old eSIM in your phone:

  1. Go to Settings on your phone. 
  2. Select Mobile networks.
  3. Under Mobile Networks, click on your current eSIM, usually called Primary
  4. Here you deactivate your eSIM by unchecking “Activate this line” Or click on Delete eSIM at the bottom, you can delete your eSIM, that is the best thing to do. 
  5. When your eSIM is inactive, it looks like this. 


Now your old eSIM is inactive and you can activate your new eSIM. Go to the SMS from Telavox and click on the link to download your new eSIM.

Read more about Dual eSIM in our FAQ article Dual eSIM (dual eSIM in the phone).



Step 2 - Enable 5G and VoLTE

After changing your SIM card, you may need to activate 5G and VoLTE to get it working again. Under Mobile Networks on your phone, you can activate both 5G and VoLTE very easily.


Enable 5G, VoLTE & Wi-Fi calling

Follow below steps to enable 5G, VoLTE & Wi-Fi calling:

  1. Go to Settings on your phone.
  2. Click on Mobile networks.
  3. Select Cellular Data Options.
  4. Select Voice & Data
  5. Select "5G Auto" and enable VoLTE at the bottom. 
  6. Enable Wi-Fi Calling


My phone doesn't support 5G

If you don't see 5G as an option, your iPhone does n't support 5G. Only iPhone 12 and later models support 5G.


Step 3 - Enable Mobile Data & MMS

Follow these steps to get Mobile Data (internet) and MMS up and running after changing your SIM card:

  1. Download iOS 18 for your iPhone. Download iOS 18 here.
  2. Activate carrier settings:
    • Open the Settings app on your phone.
    • Select Mobile networks.
    • Tap Mobile data options.
    • Tap Mobile data network.
    • Enable the use of carrier settings. (See image below).

If you can't upgrade to iOS 18

If your iPhone can't be upgraded to iOS 18, you'll need to manually enter the settings below. All iPhones starting with the XR support iOS 18. For example, if you have an iPhone 6, 7, 9, or X, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app on your phone.
  2. Tap Mobile network.
  3. Tap Mobile data options.
  4. Tap Mobile data network.
  5. Fill in the APN settings:
    • Type internet under Mobile data.
    • Type mms and under MMS.
    • Enter internet under Internet Sharing.
  6. Save the settings: Press the back arrow to save


  • Double-check your settings: Incorrect APN information can prevent your phone from connecting to the internet. Double-check that all information is correct. 

  • Restart your device: After changing APN settings, it might be a good idea to restart your device to ensure the new settings take effect.




SIM card replacement FAQ

In our FAQ folder SIM card replacement you can read more about your SIM card replacement and get answers to more questions and/or concerns.

If you are unable to use Mobile Data and MMS, you will need to enable it manually. Read more about how to enable APN settings on your phone in our FAQ article APN Settings for iPhone.